I know it looks bad now.... but once the snow melts this maroon beach cruiser will be just the thing to get you around town! Comes with basket, tire pump (just in case the tires are ever a little low, I never used it but I kept it in te basket for emergencies!) and a long lock. This bike will be ready to ride once the snow melts! $25 or best offer!
Nightstand... $15
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Moving Sale
Posted by Larry and Kendall at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Best Summer Ever!!
This summer has truly been the best ever!! It started out a little rocky. I wasn't sure how it would be to move in with my parents but they have been awesome. It was also a little tough starting Legacy. That's our business, yes we are now entrepreneurs! haha We take old photos and family videos and digitize them. Getting everything set up was quite the stressful task. It ended up being perfect though! It enabled us to have the freedom to do so many awesome things!
Posted by Larry and Kendall at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
I Feel Great!
So I woke up this morning and did as I do every morning... Step on the scale! However, this morning was different, in a good Weigh!! haha For the first time in 5 years (since April of my senior year of high school) I weighed 125 pounds! This means I have lost a total of 20 pounds!! Woohoo!
Posted by Larry and Kendall at 7:21 PM 10 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
San Francisco

Since arriving, we have eaten at numorous incredible restuarants at a discount price because we are Pier 39 employees which is really sweet. We've both realized our love for crab cakes and I will attempt to make them this week! We've gone to the aquarium, union square and saw Wicked! It was amazing! I loved every moment! I just can't beleive that they were singing like that right there in front of me! It was fantastic! We are still planning a trip to sacilito, a climb up coit tower and a bike ride across the bridge. We're just waiting for the weather to improve. Also for Valentine's day, Larry got his much desired XBOX 360 (which I got for a steal on craigslist!). He also took a trip to Miami with a friend last week.

Posted by Larry and Kendall at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A Life Changing Moment
Larry and I were witnesses to a suicide in San Francisco yesterday. As we sat to eat our lunch by the window with a beautiful view of the city we saw a man standing out of a window on the 4th floor of the building in front of our view. At first we thought it was for a movie because we'd seen a movie crew up the street. Then I thought it was some wise guy trying to get attention. A prank. A joke. The man couldn't have been more than 25 with longer dark hair wearing only a blue pair of underwear. I thought, no way that cute guy is really thinking about ending his life. It was unimaginable to me. So I watched and Larry and I joked because in my mind it was just a silly prank. The crowd grew larger and the police arrived. I started to get a bad feeling but still couldn't imagine that this stranger would jump. Although this man is a stranger I feel like I experienced something monumental with him. I find myself longing to know his name, his story. Wanting to help, however late it may be. He stood there for about 10-15 minutes, while we sat and ate our burgers. I know I shouldn't feel guilt but I cannot help it. I know there is nothing I could have done. The crowd reacted to the jump and I quickly turned my head to look. How I wish I hadn't! It only took a second for my head to whip back and the tears to start to flow. It was so shocking and surreal at the same time. Most people responded as I did. But many, I think unable to place their emotion in that moment covered it with laughs and cheers. It was so confusing but I just think some things take a while for the brain to process. My body was shaking and for the past day I have not been able to let go of the horrific image.
I decided to write about it as a sort of therapy. I can tell it has started to help already. I am so blessed. There are some who have such unimaginable hardships. My biggest trial is having to wear a hideous red polo to work everyday. I have an amazing family and had a fantastic childhood. And most importantly, I have the gospel. I know my savior and feel his love for me everyday. I know that this life is a probationary state and that true happiness comes from righteousness. If only this man had known what I have known my whole life. If only he had known that our savior loves him just as he loves me his life could have been so different. Everyone always says that people who die are in a better place. I have often thought that for people who commit suicide, how could it be better because they will have to face judgement for that choice. However, I don't know of that mans pain but our savior does and he will be judged fairly. I do know that because my life has been so blessed, I will be held to a much higher level than others. I think I am a good person but I know I can be better in so many ways. Through this experience I am determined to learn and grow. To really see with an eternal perspective when faced with petty conflicts. To be very slow to judge the choices of others. To show more love, more compassion.
Posted by Larry and Kendall at 6:02 PM 6 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Last night we had a Halloween Party.... It was so fun! Thank you to all who came! I am always nervous before throwing a party that no one will come but we had a lot of very fun people who seemed to have fun so my goal was accomplished. Larry was so helpful!! He frosted about 60 sugar cookies and they where not easy cookies to frost... there were ghosts cats and boo's! He did an amazing job! He was also in charge of the playlist which was perfect! I made truffles, taco soup and cornbread. My only blunder of the night and it was a big one... As I took my first bite of cornbread I quickly realized I forgot the sugar! At that point I just laughed and advised everyone to load up on the honey butter to make up for the lack of sweetness. I was so great catching up with friends and seeing everyone's costumes! There was everything from Alice in Wonderland and tinkerbell to Tiger Woods and a random boy in a bathrobe! One of the best Halloween's I've ever had!
Posted by Larry and Kendall at 1:43 PM 5 comments